The mission of Maternal Mental Health NOW is to remove barriers to the prevention, screening and treatment of prenatal and postpartum depression in Los Angeles County.
Highly treatable and often preventable, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are often not diagnosed due to lack of screening, inaccessibility of informed treatment and stigma. Maternal Mental Health NOW works to overcome these barriers through the following programs:
Founded in 2007,Maternal Mental Health NOW is composed of over 50 public and private non-profit agencies as well community leaders, research partners and advocates for mothers, infants and families, survivors of maternal depression and affected family members. Maternal Mental Health NOW is a project of Community Partners, which serves as its 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor.
The materials posted on this website are the intellectual property of Maternal Mental Health NOW. They are posted for the benefit of the community, but may only be reproduced with credit to Maternal Mental Health NOW